Meditation – You’re doing it all WRONG

  Do you know what prompted you to click on this article with a title like that? Were you perhaps looking for an article to show you how to get something right? Are you maybe wanting to start meditating for health and happiness yet have no idea how to actually DO it? Or, maybe you’ve READ MORE

5 Signs that you need to slow down in order to speed up…

  It doesn’t matter how self aware you may be, plugged in, tuned in, connected, guided, spiritually advised – if you are human, you will fail. And that failure is important because as we are humans, we learn the most from our failures. It’s logical really, but not something we spend much time thinking about. READ MORE

Sparkling Hill Resort | Relax, Renew, Revitalize

  Sparkling Hill – could it be the answer to busy burnout? As a mom and an entrepreneur I can easily own the truth that I push and push myself to the point of exhaustion on a regular basis. A good deal of focus for me is in working towards maintaining more of a balance READ MORE

WOW – Women of Worth | Celebrate the power of YOU

  WOW! I just love the feelings that word produces. As a passionate lover of words and how they weave around and magically communicate our thoughts to others, I often find myself contemplating the essence of communication and what it means to be able to find a way to truly CONNECT to another human being. READ MORE

How to Strengthen your Community rather than Dominate your Competition

Original Article by Kaare Long published on Entrepreneur Mom Now In the world of business, the word ‘COMPETITION’ is as common as ‘budget’ or ‘bottom line’ – it is utilized frequently and toted as important for both marketing and positioning of your business. What IF I suggested a different way to approach business, one that READ MORE

Unsolicited Advice And Why it Sucks

  Unsolicited advice It sucks and we cringe when we get it, but we are all likely guilty of giving it too. It masquerades as ‘loving support’ or ‘I can help them’ or ‘They don’t know what I know, I can tell them what I know and then they will be better!’ – no matter READ MORE

Magnificence is just around the corner! ‘Magnificent YOU!’

Do you know what the most MAGNIFICENT thing in the world is? It is you. Yes, YOU! Do you ever feel that sometimes you just can’t keep up with what everyone else is doing? Do you start to compare yourself to others and begin to feel discouraged that you can never be like them? We READ MORE

I Dare You! – Step out of your Comfort Zone

By Guest Blogger: Tanuja Dabir If you are like me, you most probably don’t like to step out of your comfort zone. Trying new things can be challenging. It initiates a lot of mental chatter which is hard to ignore, right? Now, I had been thinking of doing FB Live sessions for my nutrition/ lifestyle tribe and READ MORE

The Truth Hurts ~ Only Those Who Refuse To See It.

The truth is pretty subjective because everyone believes THEY are telling the truth, that they are the RIGHT ones, that they know ‘what is what’. I’ve pondered this over the years because I have considered myself ‘burdened’ with the sense –  and the mission, that seems to run entirely on its own agenda –  to READ MORE