The Warrior Way While a World Is In Crisis…

The Warrior Way


If you’re anything like me, you’ve been wishing and praying for the world to ‘figure it out” for years – You’ve been concerned about the environment, angry for the underdogs, and frustrated in a system that just doesn’t support its communities and its citizens. We’ve known the current system doesn’t work, and it only benefits the few and leaves many without.

Well, that time has suddenly come. And like the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for because you might get it ” We are entering a time of being forced to slow down globally. This is the one thing that never seemed possible before. It’s possible, and we are here.

What can be most alarming – especially to those who have wished for this change and shift, is how we suddenly feel now that we have experienced the time for that shift arriving in full force.

Our entire infrastructure is built to distract. We are all so busy all of the time we never have time for the things we want to do. I cannot tell you how often I’ve found myself saying that over the years. Now, we suddenly find ourselves NOT BUSY, and it’s terrifying. Never mind the external fears of food, supplies, and of course, the virus itself, we now have to deal directly with ourselves – and it’s foreign to many of us.

It’s time for the DEEP DIVE.

It’s time to be warriors and address within ourselves just how we got here as a society and as a world. How have we individually contributed to the state we are now in? This could be as simple as being passive or just observers, and ‘I’m not political’ – we all have a part we’ve been playing. And, for the most part, we all have used the system to distract from ourselves in one way or another.

The grief, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm – these are real places, and they are symptoms that inform us that we are unbalanced and we need deep healing. Much easier said than done, though, as this warrior can attest to. Talk is cheap, its the action and the BEING that is the hard part, the challenging part, the life-changing part. And the only way around it is right through it.

To me, a warrior is not some tall, muscle-bound, god-like-looking creature who can do no wrong. To me, the truth of the warrior I pull from my deep roots in the Viking culture. A warrior is messy, battle-scarred, unkempt, ruffled, and imperfect. But, they are also proud, resilient, tenacious, and both hardened by their experiences as well as softened by them. A warrior is truth and vulnerability. A warrior is the strength of patience and compassion. A warrior is simply a human with real human feelings and desires that won’t give up on themselves or others. Warrior respect and honour every part of themselves, both the wounded and the victorious. A warrior is tired but forges on anyway because a warrior knows that one foot in front of the other is still a victory, and defeat can only be known if that warrior gives up.

Warriors are powerful symbols because we know deep down that they represent the strength in our vulnerability and the power of our intention to keep picking up that blade and that shield and always to show up, no matter what or where we are called.

Warriors, we’ve been called. Hunker down, and let’s do what needs doing.

#JustReal #WarriorWay 

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