How Wise People Deal With Difficult People: A Guide To Break Free

The top telltale signs that you are dealing with a ‘difficult’ person are: They are victims – always blaming others for what’s happening to them. It’s all about them – everything centers around what is important to them. Always strings attached – They’ll never do anything for you without expecting a return. They gossip, whine, READ MORE

8 Steps to Setting Boundaries in Relationships

If you desire safe, loving, supportive and nurturing relationships in your life, then you will need to know how to set personal boundaries. If this is something that perplexes you, learning how to set and maintain personal boundaries will change your life. Boundaries are lines in the sand in relationships that clarify clearly where the READ MORE

How to Strengthen your Community rather than Dominate your Competition

Original Article by Kaare Long published on Entrepreneur Mom Now In the world of business, the word ‘COMPETITION’ is as common as ‘budget’ or ‘bottom line’ – it is utilized frequently and toted as important for both marketing and positioning of your business. What IF I suggested a different way to approach business, one that READ MORE

The Ghomeshi trial was doomed due to one thing: Shame.

The Jian Ghomeshi verdict was hardly unpredictable, but it was infuriating for anyone hoping for some good news. Source: I Hope The Ghomeshi Verdict Makes You Fucking Furious It’s my opinion, regarding the Ghomeshi trial, that it was doomed due to one thing: Shame. I just don’t believe the criminal system is capable of handling READ MORE

The Law of Attraction – Are you Friends or Foe?

Recently I was invited to take place in a 4 module workshop on The Law of Attraction with some business colleagues of mine. Initially, I was a bit distressed about the time commitment, but then something in me told me that it was worth it and that I should just commit to showing up – READ MORE

What Is Loneliness, Really?

Loneliness is such a universal ‘feeling’ – yet despite its universality – or because of it –  it is quite a subjective thing. I’m now in my mid forties – I celebrated my 45th birthday this Feb 6th and I couldn’t be happier in my life. I feel loved, appreciated, successful, proud, accomplished, healthy. Lots READ MORE

Your Soulmate is not your LifePartner

Your soulmate is not your ‘end’ mate or ‘significant other’. He is not the man that will live out your days with you and bring you coffee in the morning and be by your side no matter what. Your soulmate is not some magical mythical being who is perfect in every way and who you READ MORE