How To Deal With Biz Tax Time Like a Boss

One of the hardest things for me to manage being a single mom and an entrepreneur was the accounting and money side of my business. I wasn’t handling the situation ‘like a boss’ – it was more like 3rd grade arts and crafts. Does that sound familiar? I know I’m certainly not alone. I start READ MORE

The Law of Attraction – Are you Friends or Foe?

Recently I was invited to take place in a 4 module workshop on The Law of Attraction with some business colleagues of mine. Initially, I was a bit distressed about the time commitment, but then something in me told me that it was worth it and that I should just commit to showing up – READ MORE

Can You Be a Good Leader If You Have a Big Ego?

Can you be an effective leader if you’re also carrying around a big ego? Or more precisely carrying around a lot of insecurities that your ego needs to feed? Let me first break down what I mean by ego so we are clear on that – Ego is something we all have. It’s a development READ MORE

Why Structure Never Works Out The Way You Plan

Original Article written for: PowHERhouse Summer is long gone now; and you probably enjoyed an incredibly free and fancy few months.  The kids were home from school, you went camping, and hopefully took  some much needed vacation time.  Summer is a time to toss the schedules out the window and ‘go with the flow’ – and it’s fun, READ MORE

‘Community Winners!’ A new Blog Series from a Cue Creative Consulting

Do you know a business that deserves to be recognized for all their hard work in the Community? a Cue Creative Consulting is running a blog series that highlights businesses with supreme community values. These businesses aim to connect and communicate with the citizens and clients who they serve in the community where they operate. READ MORE