I just love the feelings that word produces. As a passionate lover of words and how they weave around and magically communicate our thoughts to others, I often find myself contemplating the essence of communication and what it means to be able to find a way to truly CONNECT to another human being.
As Women, we are naturally hardwired to desire, facilitate and advocate for communication and community. Do you see how both of those words share similar letters and sounds? It’s fascinating to me, because my passion in life is centered around both of those things. Communication for it’s ability to drive out misunderstandings, hatred and fear. And Community, for it’s ability to support, empower and connect.
WOW – is a word that I enjoy experiencing. It signifies something incredible, something exciting, something magical. It brings us to attention and always fails to disappoint due to it’s ability to truly see something amazing and to hold that amazing thing in the light for all to see.
Where AM I headed with this discussion of words and the power they hold?
I recently I attended the WOW or ( Women of Worth ) event in Vernon at the Sparkling Hill Resort. WOW is an acronym in this case, but it is aptly named, for this event showers its participants in the true essence of the word. WOW is an event for women ( and some men) interested in the value of the following:
– empowered leadership
– a unique blend of personal and professional development
– impactful team building and collaboration
– increased energy, health and wellness
– laughter, celebration and meaningful connection
– power, peace, prosperity, purpose
– and … chocolate! (of course)
Its founder, Christine Awram believes that every woman is an inherent and unique leader in her own wonderful way, from random acts of kindness to leading a nation. WOW is intended to unify and celebrate both personal and professional development because the two are inherently dependent on each other, and are not separate. For Women in business, the biggest challenge we face is in learning how to lead and do business AS women and not to follow the old paradigm of masculine energy. The world NEEDS this shift, and has been asking for it. So, as women it’s paramount that we step out of the shadows and bring our deepest strengths of community, communication and unity to the table, and not just the kitchen table, but the boardroom table.
WOW aims to expose its participants to world-class speakers who are there to celebrate ALL women in our individual magnificence. Celebration is a key factor of this event, and I can tell you, from attending it myself, the powerful and uplifting energy of CELEBRATION is in every word and focus of this experience – including the celebration of chocolate :-D. We celebrate what it means to be a woman, what it feels like to be a woman and how important it is to be a woman and bring WOMAN to the world. We all have a place and a reason for being here, and Christine has made it her mission to truly SEE everyone she connects with.
Before I continue sharing about all the wonderful ‘things’ you can experience at this event, I must take a moment to address something that I found even more important than the positivity and ‘rah rah woman!’ that I saw. I found myself in a room of Women who were willing to explore and connect to the dark side of life as well. The parts that we often don’t like looking at, but the parts that most need our compassion and understanding and acceptance. Grief, Sadness, Struggle, Fear, Pain. These are very REAL elements of the human existence, and of the Woman existance. Fighting against and denying this part of us does nothing for us and only serves to keep us out of balance. I was overjoyed to be able to dive into some non joyous moments at this event. That sounds weird, but it shouldn’t. Part of being a truly identified woman is being able to look at that darkness and learn what it has to teach us. That wisdom will surface and bring so much more power to the light.
Life is all about this balance. Christine lead this authenticity by sharing her own vulnerability and her recent struggles in life and health. Her message of self care and balance was heard even more clearly as she was not afraid to express her own journey in learning how to embrace her own darkness and ‘see’ it to ‘heal’ it.
Once you connect to your darker side, you can lead and empower from a place of full acceptance.
This is something I hold dear and talk about as much as possible. Fear of the darkness only keeps us small. Being warriors for our own true expression in ALL of it’s ups and downs, darks and lights is the only way to BECOME and step into ourselves fully. Christine understands this. She understands this as she has faced her own demons and uncovered her own darkness. She leads from a space of experience, understanding and truth. Building a tribe around you takes commitment to ‘seeing’ everyone as they are and Christine has made this her mission.
“WOW was born from my desire to profoundly impact and celebrate the spirit, success, equality and empowered leadership of all women. ~ Christine Awram
The Speakers
I was drawn to this event for a particular focus initially. I wanted to support someone within my own ‘tribe’ and circle who was speaking at this event, Dana Smithers from Empowered Women in Business who has written guest blogs for me on the Law of Attraction. She was the catalyst for my initiation into this community, and I was treated to an array of other amazing speakers ( some who I know, some I don’t) such as:
- DeeAnn Lensen
- Karlene Karst
- Jo Dibblee
- Isabelle Mercier
- Beth Hanishewski ( replaced Jo Dibblee due to a family emergency)
Click HERE to get full info on all speakers.
The day was a full one starting at 9am and completing at 5pm and it was PACKED with incredible wisdom, stories, empowerment, education, wellness and deep, meaningful value. No matter what your personality or your business, there was something for you to take away from this incredible day. And, you’ll also walk away feeling like you belong to something. Something bigger than just you, but something that is designed to support you at the same time.
If you are someone who is tired of the hip horay of many events these days that just focus on where you should be, what you could do, and who you currently are not – then you’ll find some peace, sanity and truth in this event. This is very important for me as I’ve become more and more selective of where I spend my time and share my energy. It needs to be nourishing and empowering. It needs to support me in all of my imperfections and acknowledge that those imperfections are my strength. The WOW event does just this. It embodies everything it claims to be. The action is behind the words and the integrity is complete.
When an event has the capacity to do this, it invites us all to come just as we are and to find our own strengths, our own power. From there we can have the confidence to find our community, connect to our circle, collaborate and create. No one woman is better than another. We each have our own unique gifts to offer the world, and our work is in releasing the fear that we are ‘not enough’ and that we need to be ‘more than we are’ – we already have it ALL within us. Community and communication are crucial as Women find our way into full expression. We are built to process with sharing, words, experience and connection. We are not made to suffer in silence and hide away for fear of being rejected. We need our circle, our tribe, our community – whatever you prefer to call it – we need it to survive and thrive. We are all so much stronger in unity and there is nothing we cannot achieve when we remember to support ourselves by supporting others.
So, back to those words I started with – I invite you to say them out loud and FEEL how they move within your body. COMMUNITY. COMMUNICATION. COLLABORATION and WOW. Just WOW! It’s an energy that is healing, and when you can find a place where these words are used with integrity and care, you’ll begin to understand their true meaning even more.
If you haven’t been to a WOW event yet, I would highly encourage you to offer yourself this experience. You’ll come away feeling uplifted and more connected to yourself – which is the best place to be.
If you have been to a WOW event, then you know what it can give you. I’d love to hear about your experience and what you felt from being at this event. Everyone takes away what means the most to them, and I’d love to hear some different perspectives!
Thank you Christine for the vision you have held over the years and your commitment to celebrating the leader in all of us. Your strength is your vulnerability and your courage to share yourself with others so that they learn it is ok to share themselves. You’ve created a powerful community and I find it most impressive because it teaches women how to go out and create their own communities – the essence is aligned with global healing for Women and I am truly grateful for the work you do!
To attend the next WOW event and experience it for yourself – visit their website for more info! They have events in the Fall at Harrison Hot Springs and in the Spring at Sparkling Hill! They also host the WOW Women of Worth Awards and have evening events.