From Dull to Delight in 5 Easy Steps – Choose Happiness

“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” ~Dale Carnegie Happiness is that ever elusive place that all of us want to get to, and yet we feel that we just can’t seem READ MORE

Harrison Hot Springs – A Haven When It’s Hectic

Harrison Hot Springs and Resort is located in the small town of Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. It is about 5 mins away from the District of Agassiz and about 15 – 20 mins away from Chilliwack. From Vancouver, B.C. it is an easy 2 hr trip. Harrison Hot Springs has become known and appreciated as READ MORE

CHOOSE what you CAN do, rather than what you CAN’T do

Guest Post by: Dana Smithers of Law of Attraction Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs Were you aware that everything you manifest in your life is attracted to you by something called the ‘Law of Attraction’? If you have ever hear yourself saying ‘oh that’s a coincidence’ or ‘that happened out of the blue’, ‘that’s karma or fate’ READ MORE