US Election 2016 – A Healing Crisis for a Nation & for the World

  I purposely stayed off Social Media last night to avoid getting caught up in the Real Life Drama, Fear and Anxiety of a Nation poised on the edge of a cliff ready to jump. I tried to get some sleep, was unable to, and somewhere around 3am I inadvertently discovered that Trump had indeed READ MORE

B.C. Legislature Welcomes 1st Female Indigenous MLA ( ROCK on Superstar!)

She wore her grandmother’s traditional red and black button blanket for the event. Source: B.C. Legislature Welcomes 1st Female Indigenous MLA In my writings on this blog  I talk a lot about overcoming adversity, meeting challenges and working with failure as if it were a close friend. I’ve learned and embraced that when life hands you READ MORE

Damn Straight, We Should Be Paying For Trudeau’s Nannies

This is why people hate politicians. No, not Trudeau. The Conservatives using this nannygate non-scandal against him as a cheap political ploy to puncture his post-election popularity. The accusation of hypocrisy over government-paid nannies to help with the Prime Minister’s three young children feels petty and penny-ante. But as a parent, it’s also incredibly insulting READ MORE