Woman – she who birthed me and raised me.
Woman – who I eventually became.
Woman – who I watch my daughters blossom into.
Woman – the friends, colleagues and extended family who become my support and guidance.
Woman who has faced hard times, clawed against the tyranny and oppression all around her. The warrior within who has journeyed far, and has the battle scars to be proud of. The Woman who has fought against the odds and done the impossible – raising children and living her dream. To the Woman who realized that victim wasn’t part of this role, survivor was only temporary and choice was always her power.
To the Woman who embraced her child – both within her heart and her womb and braved the sleepless nights, and aching heart of her own memories. To the Woman who had the courage to cry all night and yet get up the next day and do what needed to be done.
The Woman who has grown and changed, failed and flourished and embraced her own power. To the Woman who is scared, alone, beaten down and looking for freedom. To the Woman who feels she is not enough and gives everything to those around her, only to be left behind anyway. To the Women who die everyday for our rights and for their fears. To the Women who survive everyday for their rights and to combat all fears.
The Woman who is young and beautiful, yet scared inside. To the Woman whose body shows the lines of age and and wisdom. To the Woman who bears down and brings life into this world. To the Woman whose eyes hold a century of stories and whose hands are aged with tenderness.
To the Woman who waits for the love to arrive. To the Woman who finds the love within. The Woman who values her own worth. And the Woman who sells her soul everyday.
Woman is not a thing, a place, a title or a right – Woman is both the aching despair of loneliness, and the victorious roar of success. Woman is the experience of life from the creation to the death. Woman is the vehicle to which we all perceive the world. Woman is not an individual, nor is she a prize. Woman is a state of being that takes a lifetime to become.
To all the Women out there who have cried, died, survived, failed, succeeded, lost, gained, let go, grieved, fallen, embraced, become and unbecome. To all of the Women who are loved, supported, lusted after, mourned for, desired and ignored.
To the Women who have been Men, or Men who are becoming Women. To the Men who enjoy being Woman and all those in between. Woman is a state of being that every person can enjoy being.
Woman – she is not yours, she is not ours. Woman – she is the universe and the world. Woman – she is the family and the soul.
Woman – may you be blessed no matter who you are or where you are.
And Woman – may you be so proud to find your journey and honour yourself in all of your faces, places and experiences.
Woman – Celebrate you. Celebrate Life. Celebrate the World. And Celebrate the men who have the courage to love you, honour you, respect you and empower you.
Woman – You are perfect in all of your imperfection. It’s just another day for the Women of the World.